Schools Under This Grant
School-to-Career (STC) :
Deborah Harrold
STC Program Manager
Voice: (760) 336-2418
Fax:     (760) 336-2780
Lupita Rodriguez
Career Guidance Specialist
Gloria Valdez
Clerk III
Mary Scott
Employability Certificate Clerk
InfoLine STC Newsletter:
Jan-Mar 2002 (.pdf, 246KB)
Sep-Dec 2001 (.pdf, 1.7MB)*
read Download Adobe Acrobat Reader print
High School Employability
(.doc, 1MB)* .html
(.doc, 1KB) .html
* (Download Time per 1MB)
JOBs Government
Occupational Outlook Handbook (Jobs) Index 2002-03
Border Crossing Wait-Times
Statistical Measures (UM)
Census Bureau Census 2000
Imperial Co. More Detail
Imperial Valley Indicators CCBRES
Demographics: src  src
92243, 92249, 92231
92243, 92249, 92231
Map, Regional B C D & Local
Demographic Data Viewer US/MX (en Español) [src-How]
U.S. Economic Summaries - U.S. and International Data
Mexican Businesses & Demographics Data Sources .pdf 18 ppg.
Bibliography: Demográfico Latinoamericanos
Colef/Orstom Joint Digital Mapping, Mexicali (GIS Relational Database)
Calif/Mexico POEs Map w/Basic Demographics
U.S. Mexico Border Frontera XXI Statistics by Paired Cities
Scheduled Events At:
All Schools Mar/Jun 2001
To Be Announced
Documentation :
Jan-Mar 2002
Quarterly Report
Oct-Dec 2001
Quarterly Report
Jul-Sep 2001
Quarterly Report
Apr-Jun 2001
Quarterly Report
Jan-Mar 2001
Quarterly Report
Oct-Dec 2000
Quarterly Report
Jul-Sep 2000
Quarterly Report
Apr-Jun 2000
Performance Plan & Report
Jan-Mar 2000
Quarterly Report
5-Year Overview
Imperial Valley STC
Past Events At:
All Schools
6th Annual STC Conference
November 13, 2001
SD STC Contact: Cheryl Walker
UCSD Summer Institute
13-17Aug & 20-24Aug
Details - Calendar
Employer Appreciation Luncheon
Keynote Speaker: Ian Jukes
March 9, 2001 (RSVP)
Heber School District
Parent Fair
March 22, 2001
Heber School District
Parent Fair Breakout Sessions
March 22, 2001
Heber School District
Power Lunch Schedule
Dec 2000-June 2001
Mains Elementary School
Power Lunch Schedule
Nov 2000-May 2001
September 16, 2000
Educator - Employer Conference
May 2000
Career Fair
March 2000
Employer Symposium
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Urban/Rural Opportunities Grant

The County of Imperial was awarded an Urban/Rural Opportunities Grant from the U.S. Department of Labor. The purpose of the grant is to integrate and build upon existing school-based and work-based programs and connecting activities within a comprehensive framework of a K-16 core career curriculum and five career pathways. Career exploration, awareness and identification of interests will be integral project components.

Major program components, which are designed to specifically serve our high poverty students, include the following:

*A career summer institute for "at risk" junior high students to better prepare them for high school.

*Connect with One-Stop Centers to provide services to students and families.

*Intensified instruction to build upon basic skills for students at all grade levels.

*Implementation of junior achievement to expand the School-to-Career strand in elementary and junior high school levels.

*Creation of virtual resource centers for on-line sharing of career resources.

*Parent training seminars to build self-esteem.

*Expansion of career pathways at the high school level.

*Incentive programs for students to receive work-based internship experiences.

*Staff development training programs designed to build skills in the integration of vocational and academic skills.

*Work site shadowing experiences for teachers. Example: IV Press Article, 22Nov01

*Specialized training for community and business partners on work-based learning activities and mentoring.

Other School-to-Career & Related Web Sites :
  1. National STC/STW Office - Grants - Awarded - Types of - Related
  2. California School-to-Career Home Page
      A. Links: STC - Education, Career Technical - State & Federal
  3. California STC Clearing House & Newsletter
  4. STC - San Diego County Office of Education
  5. Long Beach, Ca. USD ROP
  6. California Institute on Human Resources (Sonoma)
  7. ProTech - Boston, Ma.
  8. Alternative Assessment
  9. Business Partnerships
  10. Mentoring
  11. Urban Schools
  12. George Lucas Educational Foundation Articles, People, Organizations, Resources
  13. a. Aligning Technology Resources
    b. e-learning Courses for Gifted & Talented Students (EPGY, Stanford U.)
    (src: Alan November, Educational Renaissance Planners, and Grants
  14. Indian & Native American Programs (DOL/DINAP, Workforce Investment Act (WIA))
  15. Key Research Websites: Government, News, Reference, Organizations .pdf
    (src: Sen. Battin, Ca. 37th District, newsletter)
    Viewing pdf files requires a viewer such as Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Teachers TeAch-Nology Web Portal Student, Parent, & Teacher Education/Reference Sources
Practical Money Skills for Life
(K-Adult for Students, Teachers, Consumers, & Parents: Lesson Plans, Calculators, Games, Banking Tutor, w/Job, Budgeting, and Retirement planning) y [en Español]

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